Neopets CCG Collection
expensive work in progress

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    Cards marked with [H] are holographic. Cards marked with [H/n] are holographic and non-holographic versions of that card. Unlisted cards are missing from my collection. Items in brackets are cards I'm immediately looking at buying directly [I list these cards when I make a purchase in order to prevent buying multiple copies]. This page should NOT be indexed in any search engines, because I know it's frustrating to search for something only to find it merely mentioned in a list, but search engine spiders don't always obey the meta tags.

    Promo cards:
     P1. Werelupe Sage [H]
     P2. Blue Grarrl
     P3. Green Shoyru
     P4. Red Kacheek
     P5. Red Wocky
     P6. Yellow Lupe
     P7. Shoyru Spy
     P8. Lu Codestone [H]
     P9. Trading Post [H]
    P10. Moltenus [H]
    P11. Maraquan Moehog [H]
    P11. Ruki Wanderer [not a typo on my part]
    P12. Faerie Ixi
    P13. (???)
    P14. Roberta
    P15. Blue Pteri
    P16. Green Kadoatie
    P17. Mynci Brave
    P18. [Orange Hasee]
    P19. White Mazzew
    P20. Islandberry
    P21. Jake the Explorer
    P22. Lost Treasure
    S1. Blue Mynci [H]
    S2. Red Korbat [H]
    S3. Blue Scorchio
    S4. Green Acara
    S5. Red Aisha
    S6. Yellow Eyrie
    Base set: [completed 10 February 2005]
      1. Aisha Myriad [H]
      2. Commander Garoo [H]
      3. The Darkest Faerie [H]
      4. The Ensorcellator [H]
      5. Faerie Slingshot [H]
      6. Ferocious Negg [H]
      7. Fire Shoyru [H]
      8. Fyora the Faerie Queen [H]
      9. Ghost Lupe [H]
     10. Grarrl Gladiator [H]
     11. Grimoire of Thade [H]
     12. Hubrid Nox [H]
     13. Hubrid Nox Statue [H]
     14. Illusen [H]
     15. Illusen's Staff [H]
     16. Jeran [H]
     17. Jhudora [H]
     18. Jhudora's Wand [H]
     19. Kadoatie [H]
     20. Korbat Researcher [H]
     21. Lord Darigan [H]
     22. Magnus the Torch [H]
     23. Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie [H]
     24. Master Vex [H]
     25. Moltenore [H]
     26. Rainbow Paint Brush [H]
     27. Rainbow Swirly Thing [H]
     28. Siyana of Talador [H]
     29. Vira [H]
     30. Vira's Dagger [H]
     31. Blue Poogle
     32. Blue Shoyru
     33. Green Kacheek
     34. Red Grarrl
     35. Red Lupe
     36. Yellow Poogle
     37. Acara Acrobat
     38. Acara Treasure Seeker
     39. Aisha Enchantress
     40. Apple Lantern
     41. Balthazar
     42. Battle Eyrie
     43. Brain Tree Root
     44. Cackling Negg
     45. Calabrus, Cloud Aisha
     46. Cardboard Enemy
     47. Copier v2.0
     48. Darigan's Blight
     49. Dark Faerie Sisters
     50. Dissent
     51. Eliv Thade
     52. Ghost Korbat
     53. The Giant Grarrl
     54. Grarrl Guard
     55. How to Cheat
     56. Hubrid's Puzzle Box
     57. Illusen's Ring
     58. Jerdana
     59. Jerdana's Orb
     60. Jhudora's Storm
     61. Kacheek Thief
     62. Kauvara's Potion
     63. Koya, Korbat Huntress
     64. Lucky Coin
     65. MAGAX: Destroyer
     66. Magic Lottery Ticket
     67. Meuka
     68. Mirror Shield
     69. Morphing Runes
     70. Night Stone
     71. Noil
     72. Poogle Racer
     73. Potion of Sludge
     74. Pressure Pad Puzzle
     75. Red Clockwork Grundo
     76. Red Scorchstone
     77. Scorchio Warrior
     78. Scroll of Recall
     79. Shadow Usul
     80. Slorg Trails
     81. Sloth's Master Plan
     82. Spyder
     83. Spyder Bites
     84. Striped Negg
     85. Sword of the Air Faerie
     86. Thyora's Tear
     87. Tinka
     88. Tishi and Goliath
     89. Torshac, Shoyru Scout
     90. Travelling Library
     91. Wand of Nova
     92. Werelupe King
     93. Wocky Beast
     94. Woodland Bow
     95. Yellow Clockwork Grundo
     96. Zombify
     97. Air Faerie Token
     98. Aisha Slorgrider
     99. Big, Heavy Sword
    100. Biting Book
    101. Blue Paint Brush
    102. Bottle of Grarrl
    103. Cleansing Flames
    104. Dark Faerie Token
    105. Doglefox
    106. Earth Faerie Leaves
    107. Earth Faerie Token
    108. Everlasting Apple
    109. Everything, Volume 1
    110. Evil Sloth Clone #238
    111. Eyrie Guard
    112. Faerie Lantern
    113. Faerie Pancakes
    114. Farlax V
    115. Fire Faerie Token
    116. Fumble!
    117. General Kass
    118. The Golden Shoyru
    119. Grey Faerie
    120. Hidden Tower Secrets
    121. Jeran's Sword
    122. Juppies
    123. Kacheek Shepherd
    124. Light Faerie Token
    125. Lupe Defender
    126. Mavara's Wocky
    127. Mirgle
    128. Mynci Inventor
    129. Mynci Tourist
    130. Nothing Has Happened
    131. Nova
    132. Pawkeet
    133. Poogle Apprentice
    134. Put on Display
    135. Red Paint Brush
    136. Ring of the Summoner
    137. Scabu
    138. Scorchio Alchemist
    139. Shoyru Spy
    140. Silver Negg
    141. Sludging Ray
    142. Slumberberry Potion
    143. Snorkle
    144. Snowball Cannon
    145. Speckled Negg
    146. Spooky Beans
    147. Take a Dip
    148. Thingy
    149. Travelling Neopia
    150. Turmaculus Strikes!
    151. Water Faerie Token
    152. Weakness
    153. Werelupe Sage
    154. Wocky Farmer
    155. Yellow Negg
    156. Yellow Paint Brush
    157. Blue Aisha
    158. Blue Kacheek
    159. Blue Lupe
    160. Blue Wocky
    161. Green Eyrie
    162. Green Grarrl
    163. Green Korbat
    164. Green Mynci
    165. Green Wocky
    166. Red Acara
    167. Red Eyrie
    168. Red Scorchio
    169. Red Shoyru
    170. Yellow Acara
    171. Yellow Aisha
    172. Yellow Korbat
    173. Yellow Mynci
    174. Yellow Scorchio
    175. Asparagus
    176. Babaa
    177. Beyond Neopia
    178. Blue Negg
    179. Book of Sadness
    180. Broken Sword
    181. Brown Negg
    182. Bubble Gun
    183. Buzzer Swarm
    184. Capture the Snowbunnies
    185. Charming the Miamice
    186. Chocolate Korbats
    187. Chokato
    188. Chomp!
    189. Defence Shield v1.0
    190. Elixir of Thieves
    191. Escape Rope
    192. Essence of Brain
    193. Eyrie Breastplate
    194. Faerie Dishwater
    195. Gigantic Snowball
    196. Golden A
    197. Green Negg
    198. Happy Negg
    199. Harris
    200. Hasee
    201. Ice Scimitar
    202. Icy Snowball
    203. Illusen's Charm
    204. Jelly Aishas
    205. Jeran's Armour
    206. Jhudora's Evil Eye
    207. Korbat Cape
    208. Lab Ray
    209. Library Visit
    210. Lisha's Glasses
    211. Meowclops
    212. Misdirection
    213. Money Tree Ghosts
    214. Moon Charm
    215. Pant Devil Attacks
    216. Peachpa
    217. Petpetnip
    218. Pinanna
    219. Potatoes
    220. Potion of Speed
    221. Potion of Strength
    222. Purrow's Plight
    223. Sceptre of Banishing
    224. Secret Passage
    225. Shadow Breeze
    226. Snowbunny
    227. Starberry
    228. Stone Snowball
    229. The Thieves' Code
    230. Turnips
    231. Usica Berries
    232. Wand of Confusion
    233. Warf
    234. Wooden Blocking Shield
    Battle for Meridell: [completed 26 July 2005]
      1. The Bat-Thing [H]
      2. The Castle Defender [H]
      3. Darigan Paint Brush [H]
      4. Darigan, Redeemed [H]
      5. Draik Soldier [H]
      6. Faerie Bottle [H]
      7. Gallion [H]
      8. Gelert Prince [H]
      9. Golden Negg [H]
     10. Hall of Paintings [H]
     11. King Snarl [H]
     12. King Snarl Plushie [H]
     13. Lisha [H]
     14. Lisha's Wand [H]
     15. Lord Kass [H]
     16. Meridell Castle [H]
     17. Meridell Gardens [H]
     18. Mortog [H]
     19. Nova Storm [H]
     20. Silver Draik Egg [H]
     21. Sunblade [H]
     22. The Three [H]
     23. Turmaculus [H]
     24. Uni Battle Steed [H]
     25. Zafara Princess [H]
     26. Blue Draik [H/n]
     27. Green Draik
     28. Yellow Grarrl
     29. Yellow Meerca
     30. 105 Castle Secrets
     31. Armoury of Kass
     32. Blugthak
     33. Blumaroo Court Jester
     34. Book of Law
     35. Contest of Champions
     36. Darigan Gardens
     37. Dark Nova
     38. Defenders of Meridell
     39. Drackonack
     40. Draik Sentinel
     41. Draik Skeleton [H/n]
     42. Faerie Dust
     43. Fall of Jeran
     44. Hadrak
     45. Ixi Courtier
     46. Jeran, Meridell Knight [H/n]
     47. Jeran Plushie
     48. Meridell War Room
     49. NeoQuest Board Game
     50. Peasant Mob
     51. Psellia
     52. Quiggle Runner
     53. Shadow Armour
     54. Stone Soup
     55. Storm the Castle
     56. Tower Shield
     57. Whinny
     58. Yellow Draik Egg
     59. Zafara Double Agent
     60. Zombie Moltenore
     61. Blue Skeith
     62. Green Poogle
     63. Red Uni
     64. Back from the Grave
     65. Blumaroo Squire
     66. Bomberry
     67. Boots of Jumping
     68. Castle Sanctuary
     69. Count Boris
     70. Court Dancer
     71. Darigan Skeith
     72. Darigan Uni
     73. Darigan Usul
     74. Flying Potion
     75. Gelert Beast Hunter
     76. The Great Battle
     77. Green Paint Brush
     78. Illusen's Glade
     79. Ixi Raider
     80. Kacheek Plushie
     81. Kass's Charm
     82. Kayla
     83. Marketplace
     84. Meerca Catapult
     85. Meerca Spy
     86. Morguss
     87. Morris
     88. Mynci Plushie
     89. Obedience Broth
     90. Oubliette
     91. Plan B
     92. Quiggle Scout
     93. Reinforcements
     94. Shoyru Plushie
     95. Skarl's Banquet
     96. Skarl's Personal Guard
     97. Symol Warrens
     98. Turdle
     99. Turmac
    100. Usul-in-Waiting
    101. Blue Acara
    102. Blue Blumaroo
    103. Blue Gelert
    104. Blue Uni
    105. Green Ixi
    106. Green Quiggle
    107. Green Skeith
    108. Green Usul
    109. Red Ixi
    110. Red Meerca
    111. Red Mynci
    112. Red Usul
    113. Red Zafara
    114. Yellow Blumaroo
    115. Yellow Gelert
    116. Yellow Quiggle
    117. Yellow Zafara
    118. Battle Hammer
    119. Cheese
    120. Crop Failure
    121. Dark Graspberry
    122. Exploding Acorns
    123. Feeding Mr. Scary
    124. Healing Potion
    125. Lisha's Charm
    126. Locked in the Dungeon
    127. Makeshift Sword
    128. Meaty Pie
    129. Petpet Growth Syrup
    130. Protect the Vilage
    131. Puppyblew
    132. Regulation Chainmail
    133. Royal Summons
    134. Shooting Star
    135. Stale Bread
    136. Strawberries
    137. Symol
    138. Tangle Net Gun
    139. Tomatoes
    140. Uni Charm
    Return of Dr. Sloth: [completed 29 September 2005]
      1. Angelpuss [H]
      2. Cooty [H]
      3. Domination [H]
      4. Dr. Sloth [H]
      5. Fyora's Wand [H]
      6. Gorix [H]
      7. Grundo Warehouse [H]
      8. Jetsam Ace [H]
      9. JubJub Engineer [H]
     10. Mutant Babaa [H]
     11. Reactor Core [H]
     12. Ring of Sloth [H]
     13. Self-Destruct Sequence [H]
     14. Sleep Ray [H]
     15. Space Faerie [H]
     16. Space Faerie Doll [H]
     17. Space Faerie Token [H]
     18. Starry Cybunny [H]
     19. Starry Paint Brush [H]
     20. Ylana Skyfire [H]
     21. Galactic Green Grundo [H/n]
     22. Red Cybunny
     23. Attack of the Oranges!
     24. Battle JubJub
     25. Blue Sticky Hand
     26. Cease Fire
     27. Commander Gormos
     28. Giant Space Fungus
     29. Grundos Cafe
     30. Intimidate
     31. Kougra Trooper
     32. Kreludor
     33. Mutant Kadoatie
     34. Neopet v2
     35. Retribution
     36. Robot Jetsam
     37. Sloth Plushie
     38. Sloth Surprise
     39. Space Faerie Circlet
     40. Xarthab
     41. Blue Cybunny
     42. Cosmic Yellow Grundo
     43. Green Buzz
     44. Buzz Bully
     45. Cybunny Scout
     46. Cylara
     47. Defence Shield v2.0
     48. Detransmogrifier
     49. Evil Sloth Clone #177
     50. Garoo Elite
     51. Green Seven
     52. Grundo Programmer
     53. Kougra Scientist
     54. Landing Party
     55. Maintenance Tunnels
     56. Mootix
     57. Mutant Buzz
     58. Mutant Doglefox
     59. Mutant Grundo
     60. Mutox Syrup
     61. Resistance HQ
     62. S950 Kreludan Defender
     63. Save the Day
     64. Slimy Negg
     65. Slorg
     66. Sophix II
     67. Starry Negg
     68. Unmask
     69. Virtublaster 3000
     70. Zorlix
     71. Blue Jetsam
     72. Blue Kougra
     73. Green JubJub
     74. Red Buzz
     75. Red Jetsam
     76. Yellow JubJub
     77. Yellow Kougra
     78. Battle Stations
     79. Buzzer
     80. Bzzt Blaster
     81. Cosmic Cheese Stars
     82. Evil Fuzzle
     83. GX-4 Oscillabot
     84. Goo Blaster
     85. Gormball
     86. Grobleen Salad
     87. Grundo Battle Helmet
     88. Grundo Veggieballs
     89. Malfunction
     90. Marshmallow Grundos
     91. Orange Rambus
     92. Planet Pops
     93. Rally
     94. Robot Noil
     95. Robot Spyder
     96. Rocket Boots
     97. Rubbish Chute
     98. Ruling the Universe
     99. Utility Belt
    100. Vernax
    Mystery Island: [completed 22 September 2005]
      1. Eithne [H]
      2. Fish Negg [H]
      3. Island Angelpuss [H]
      4. Island Kadoatie [H]
      5. Island Paint Brush [H]
      6. Island Peophin [H]
      7. Island Whinny [H]
      8. Jhuidah [H]
      9. Kougra Chieftain [H]
     10. Pirate Krawk [H]
     11. Rainbow Pteri [H]
     12. Snarling Totem [H]
     13. Techo Master [H]
     14. Tiki Party [H]
     15. Training School [H]
     16. Tura-Kepek [H]
     17. Volcanic Eruption [H]
     18. Volcano [H]
     19. Werelupe Claw [H]
     20. Zed Codestone [H]
     21. Blue Krawk [H/n]
     22. Banishment
     23. Cherry Wish Stick
     24. Cooking Pot
     25. Curse Stick
     26. Hungry Natives
     27. Invisible Mynci
     28. Island Acara Plushie
     29. Kougra Archaeologist
     30. Krawk Shaman
     31. Meerca Brothers
     32. Moltenus
     33. Potgatkerchi
     34. Ruined City
     35. Shell Acara Totem
     36. Snotbunny
     37. Techo Adept
     38. Tiki Bomb
     39. Tiki Tack Man
     40. Voodoo Doll
     41. Green Krawk
     42. Orange Mynci
     43. Red Techo
     44. Yellow Pteri
     45. Bri Codestone
     46. Cocobolas
     47. Engraved Boomerang
     48. Fumpu Leaf Medallion
     49. Gulper
     50. Hannah the Usul
     51. Har Codestone
     52. Kastraliss
     53. Lu Codestone
     54. Mau Codestone
     55. Mudslide
     56. Mynci Safari Guide
     57. Peophin Waverider
     58. Pteri Lookout
     59. Quicksand
     60. Ramosan
     61. Rufus
     62. Salvaged Goods
     63. Star Gazing
     64. Tagobo Potion
     65. Techo Fisherman
     66. Trading Post
     67. Undiscovered Treasure
     68. Wishing Well
     69. Wooden Kougra Totem
     70. Wooden Nimmo Totem
     71. Blue Peophin
     72. Brown Mynci
     73. Green Kougra
     74. Green Peophin
     75. Red Pteri
     76. White Kougra
     77. Yellow Techo
     78. Acorn Toy
     79. Baby Blu
     80. Bottle of Green Sand
     81. Cheesy Pineapple Sticks
     82. Doughnutfruit
     83. Footprints
     84. Funnydew Melon
     85. Gadgadsbogen
     86. Green Grass Skirt
     87. Guess the Card
     88. Island Lei
     89. Kiko Squeeze Toy
     90. Krakuberry Juice
     91. Monsoon
     92. Muntando Fruit
     93. Oops!
     94. Primella
     95. Purplums
     96. Ring of Weightlessness
     97. Slugawoo
     98. Thornberry
     99. Tribal Blowgun
    100. Yellow Grass Skirt
    Hannah and the Ice Caves: [completed 16 January 2006]
      1. Ancient Tomb [H]
      2. Baby Elephante [H]
      3. Bag of Neopoints [H]
      4. Bori Miner [H]
      5. Bringer of Night [H]
      6. Cloud Shoyru [H]
      7. Double-Bladed Staff [H]
      8. Faerie Poogle [H]
      9. Faerieland [H]
     10. Four-Leaf Clover [H]
     11. Galem Darkhand [H]
     12. Hannah the Cursed [H]
     13. Hannah the Usuki Doll [H]
     14. Healing Springs [H]
     15. Heart of the Mountain [H]
     16. Icetravaganza [H]
     17. Jhudora's Quest [H]
     18. Keeper of Time [H]
     19. Misfortune [H]
     20. Ona [H]
     21. Snow Aisha [H]
     22. Snow Bruce [H]
     23. Snow Faerie Token [H]
     24. Snow Paint Brush [H]
     25. Snowickle [H]
     26. Taelia the Snow Faerie [H]
     27. White Hasee [H]
     28. Brown Poogle
     29. Orange Aisha
     30. Purple Grarrl
     31. Red Bori [H/n]
     32. White Shoyru
     33. Yellow Kyrii
     34. Aisha Shopkeeper
     35. Bori Guard
     36. Flotsam Rider
     37. Frostbite
     38. Gelert Wizard
     39. Ghost Snowbunny
     40. Hannah's Magic Rope
     41. Invisible Doglefox
     42. Kanrik
     43. Kanrik's Blade
     44. Kauvara
     45. Kyrii Thief
     46. Lisha's Quest
     47. Masila
     48. Masila's Cloak
     49. Mercenaries
     50. Poogle Merchant
     51. Selfishness
     52. Soup Faerie
     53. Spotted Paint Brush
     54. Tax Beast
     55. Thieves Guild
     56. Blue Bori
     57. Brown Grarrl
     58. Green Gelert
     59. Purple Shoyru
     60. Red Poogle
     61. Yellow Bruce
     62. Achy Head
     63. Alpine Challenger
     64. Armin the Small
     65. Avalanche
     66. Brooch of Warmth
     67. Bruce Skater
     68. Clan Mootix
     69. Cybunny Collector
     70. Cybunny Rogue
     71. Elephante Blacksmith
     72. Gelert Mountain Climber
     73. Ghost Negg
     74. Grarrl Brute
     75. Grarrl Warlord
     76. Hagan the Wise
     77. Happy Valley
     78. Icy Skeleton Hordes
     79. Island Flotsam
     80. Kyrii Explorer
     81. Lower Ice Caves
     82. Moehog Chef
     83. Moehog Footpad
     84. Niptor
     85. Safety Deposit Box
     86. Shoyru Archer
     87. Skarl's Orders
     88. Sniffles
     89. Snow Beast
     90. Snowball Flurry
     91. Snowflea Grass
     92. Spellmotes
     93. Terror Mountain
     94. Valin the Quick
     95. Warf Rescue Team
     96. Blue Bruce
     97. Blue Flotsam
     98. Blue Moehog
     99. Green Aisha
    100. Green Cybunny
    101. Green Moehog
    102. Red Elephante
    103. Red Gelert
    104. Red Kyrii
    105. Yellow Cybunny
    106. Yellow Elephante
    107. Yellow Flotsam
    108. Abominable Snowball
    109. Awakening
    110. Blue Scorchstone
    111. Bracers of Defence
    112. Candychan
    113. Change of Plan
    114. Crystal Ball
    115. Elite Blaster
    116. Evil Snowball
    117. Faerie Guardian
    118. Faeriecinths
    119. Feepit
    120. Fire and Ice Blade
    121. Form Up!
    122. Frozen Longbow
    123. Fyora's Blessing
    124. Gelert Plushie
    125. Good Snowball
    126. Gracklebug Paste
    127. Hot Chocolate
    128. Icy Negg
    129. The Legend of Jeran
    130. Lemon Snow Puff
    131. Mark of Ta-Kutep
    132. Masila's Brooch
    133. Moehog Plushie
    134. Omelette of the Faeries
    135. Pickled Greeble Tongue
    136. Polarchuck
    137. Purrow's Amulet
    138. Raspberries
    139. Shivering Potion
    140. Slorg Slime
    141. Snow Flame
    142. Snowager Ice Lolly
    143. Snowager Scale
    144. Snowberries
    145. Spotted Meowclops
    146. Strawberry Brucicle
    147. Thawing Potion
    148. Thin Ice
    149. Wand of Ice
    150. Yullie
    151. Jelly Poogle
    152. Jelly Shoyru
    153. Jelly World
    154. Jelly Puppyblew
    155. Orange Jelly
    Curse of Maraqua: [completed 27 August 2005]
      1. The Black Pawkeet [H]
      2. Caylis [H]
      3. Chasm Beast [H]
      4. The Drenched [H]
      5. Faerie Circle [H]
      6. Garin's Redemption [H]
      7. Ghost Yurble [H]
      8. Goregas [H]
      9. Isca [H]
     10. Maraquan Chomby [H]
     11. Maraquan Krawk [H]
     12. Maraquan Paint Brush [H]
     13. Maraquan Scorchio [H]
     14. Meepit [H]
     15. Nereid the Water Faerie [H]
     16. One Dubloon Coin [H]
     17. Rainbow Pearl [H]
     18. Starry Tuskaninny [H]
     19. Tears of Caylis [H]
     20. Walk the Plank [H]
     21. Brown Scorchio
     22. Green Flotsam [H/n]
     23. Red Krawk 
     24. Against the Odds
     25. Angry Giants
     26. Black Pearl
     27. Captain Scarblade
     28. Confusion
     29. Garin the Foolish
     30. Gathow
     31. Island Hasee
     32. Island Negg
     33. King Kelpbeard
     34. Krawk Braggart
     35. Lenny Sorcerer
     36. Lightning Conductor
     37. Maraquan Harp
     38. New Maraqua
     39. Old Maraqua
     40. Petpetpet Swarm
     41. Pollution
     42. Regulation Crossbow
     43. Scorchio Avenger
     44. Screal
     45. Tournament Arena
     46. Trunkard
     47. Whirlpool
     48. White Pearl
     49. Yurble Raider
     50. Zombie Flotsam
     51. Green Scorchio
     52. Yellow Krawk
     53. Yellow Lenny
     54. Apprentice Wand
     55. Benny the Blade
     56. Chomby Genie
     57. Brightvale Castle
     58. Chomby Plushie
     59. Defender of Ador
     60. Florg
     61. Flotsam Hunter
     62. Fyora's Palace Guards
     63. Glowing Babaa
     64. Gnarfas
     65. Gypsy's Curse
     66. Jacques the Swift
     67. Jhudora's Bodyguards
     68. Lenny Librarian
     69. Maractite Trident
     70. Mutant Peo
     71. Petrification
     72. Rotten Negg
     73. Scurvy Island
     74. Smite
     75. Smugglers' Cove
     76. Swordmaster Talek
     77. Tor's Gamble
     78. Tuskaninny Sailor
     79. Underwater Discovery
     80. White Primella
     81. Blue Chomby
     82. Blue Lenny
     83. Blue Yurble
     84. Green Tuskaninny 
     85. Green Yurble
     86. Red Flotsam
     87. Red Tuskaninny
     88. Yellow Chomby
     89. Alchemy
     90. Battle of Wits
     91. Blue Cocofizz
     92. Cabbage
     93. Catch!
     94. Chocolate Cybunnies
     95. Coral Bracelet
     96. Coral Fruit
     97. Corrode
     98. Everlasting Porridge
     99. Faerie Tales
    100. Ghoti
    101. Gooseberries
    102. Illusen's Faerie Globe
    103. Illusen's Potion Book
    104. Isca's Necklace
    105. Juppie Juice
    106. Maractite Armour
    107. Maractite Axe
    108. Maractite Shield
    109. Maractite Sword
    110. Maraquan Jellypops
    111. Mazzew
    112. Peo
    113. Pirate Cutlass
    114. Ring of the Deep
    115. Sea Anemones
    116. Seaweed Omelette
    117. Something Will Happen
    118. Tribal Headdress
    119. Ummagine
    120. Water Mote
    Lost Desert: [completed 28 January 2006]
      1. Baby Jetsam [H]
      2. Desert Ruins [H]
      3. Faellie [H]
      4. Faerie Slorg [H]
      5. Fyora Faerie Doll [H]
      6. JubJub Performer [H]
      7. Lost Desert Paint Brush [H]
      8. Moehog Pickpocket [H]
      9. Nightsteed [H]
     10. Nuria [H]
     11. Princess Amira [H]
     12. Rainbow Sticky Hand [H]
     13. Ruki Patrol [H]
     14. Sakhmet City [H]
     15. Scamander [H]
     16. The Snowager [H]
     17. Sophie the Swamp Witch [H]
     18. Spotted Kau [H]
     19. Tomos [H]
     20. Vile Stench of Zal-Bora [H]
     21. Yellow Ruki
     22. Book of Scarabs
     23. Bow of Searing Dawn
     24. Everlasting Hiccups
     25. Flooding Chamber
     26. Forgotten Promise
     27. Gebmids
     28. Gracklebug
     29. Hot Feet
     30. JubJub Morphing Potion
     31. Nabile
     32. Prince Jazan
     33. Royal Wedding Ring
     34. Ruki Mummy
     35. Sakhmet Oasis
     36. Sandstorm
     37. Scordrax the Furious
     38. Swarm of Scamanders
     39. Tonu Desert Strider
     40. Vanishing City
     41. Blue JubJub
     42. Blue Tonu
     43. Green Jetsam
     44. Green Tonu
     45. Red Kau
     46. Red Moehog
     47. Yellow Jetsam
     48. Anubis Plushie
     49. Bazaar of Wonders
     50. Blue Warf
     51. Cobrall Dagger
     52. Crest of Sakhmet
     53. Curse of the Mootix
     54. Horace the Poor
     55. Jetsam Shark
     56. JubJub Bandit
     57. Kau Fortune Teller
     58. Laziness
     59. Megan
     60. Moehog Explorer
     61. Mummified Negg
     62. Plains of Despair
     63. Raining Kadoaties
     64. Sceptre of Qasala
     65. Spirit of the Ruins
     66. Stop, Thief!
     67. Swarm of Undead
     68. Tonu Palace Guard
     69. Unsolvable Riddle
     70. Wadjet
     71. Blue Kau
     72. Green Ruki
     73. Red JubJub
     74. Yellow Moehog
     75. Anubis
     76. Apis
     77. Bagguss
     78. Cheery Tomatoes
     79. Cursed Strawberries
     80. Dead of Night
     81. Desert Scimitar
     82. Fire Mote
     83. Geb
     84. Golden Scorchstone
     85. Grappling Hook
     86. Khonsu
     87. Mark of the Scarab
     88. Mirage
     89. Mutant Bearog
     90. Potion of Invisibility
     91. Pyramibread
     92. Qasalan Tablets
     93. Ring of the Lost
     94. Ruki Plushie
     95. Scorched Negg
     96. Spike Trap
     97. Tchea Fruit
     98. Wheel of Excitement
     99. Wheel of Knowledge
    100. Yellow Mazzew
    The Darkest Faerie: [completed 4 August 2006]
      1. Baby Buzz [H]
      2. Cloud Paint Brush [H]
      3. The Dancer [H]
      4. Darkest Faerie Doll [H]
      5. The Darkest Faerie [H]
      6. Darkest Knight [H]
      7. Draik Blacksmith [H]
      8. Endless Staircase [H]
      9. Faerie Kacheek [H]
     10. Faerie Paint Brush [H]
     11. The First to Rise [H]
     12. Fyora's Rod [H]
     13. The Gatherer [H]
     14. Ghost Koi [H]
     15. Ghostkerchief [H]
     16. The Hunter [H]
     17. Ixi Hunter [H]
     18. Jerdana, Imprisoned [H]
     19. King Altador [H]
     20. Malice [H]
     21. Plushie Blumaroo [H]
     22. The Protector [H]
     23. Roberta of Brightvale [H]
     24. Sorcerer's Wand [H]
     25. Spite [H]
     26. Tainted Meridell [H]
     27. The Thief [H]
     28. Twelve-Leaf Clover [H]
     29. Vanity [H]
     30. Wand of the Swamp Witch [H]
     31. Altador
     32. Altadorian Crest
     33. Altadorian Plate
     34. Altadorian Sword
     35. Angry Tax Beast
     36. Annihilation
     37. Bandit Knife
     38. Bogshot Village
     39. Bori Mage
     40. Bruce Farmer
     41. The Collector
     42. Divine Intervention
     43. Eyrie Defender
     44. Faerie Asparagus
     45. The Farmer
     46. Fire Faerie Doll
     47. Fire Noil
     48. Florin
     49. Juppie Plant Beast
     50. Nimmo Traveler
     51. Red Kadoatie
     52. Retreat!
     53. Skeith Bandit
     54. The Sleeper
     55. Tainted Altador
     56. Tor
     57. Treasure Map
     58. Treasurer Gordos
     59. Volcano Cake
     60. Wocky Sewer Cleaner
     61. Blue Nimmo
     62. Brown Eyrie
     63. Green Bori
     64. Orange Draik
     65. Orange Kacheek
     66. Purple Kacheek
     67. Purple Wocky
     68. Red Bruce
     69. Red Draik
     70. Red Koi
     71. White Ixi
     72. Yellow Skeith
     73. Abominable Bori
     74. The Assassin
     75. Blumaroo Apprentice
     76. Bruce Watchman
     77. Buzz Avenger
     78. Clasp of Darkness
     79. Designer Zelroo
     80. The Dreamer
     81. Faerie Koi
     82. Fauna
     83. The Gladiator
     84. Kacheek Urchin
     85. Malkus Vile
     86. Meerca Speed Potion
     87. Rainbow Cake
     88. Royal Faerie Gardens
     89. Shadow Eyrie
     90. Skeith Villager
     91. Solarin
     92. Sophie's Whim
     93. Speckled Nimmo
     94. Switcheroo
     95. Tainted Draik
     96. Tainted Harris
     97. Tainted Ixi
     98. Tainted Minions
     99. The Wave
    100. Wocky Crusader
    101. Blue Buzz
    102. Blue Eyrie
    103. Blue Koi
    104. Green Blumaroo
    105. Green Bruce
    106. Green Nimmo
    107. Red Blumaroo
    108. Red Skeith
    109. Yellow Bori
    110. Yellow Buzz
    111. Yellow Ixi
    112. Yellow Wocky
    113. Avarice
    114. Beast Burger
    115. Blue Doglefox
    116. Blue Meowclops
    117. Bogberries
    118. Bottled Air Faerie
    119. Bottled Dark Faerie
    120. Bottled Earth Faerie
    121. Bottled Fire Faerie
    122. Bottled Light Faerie
    123. Bottled Water Faerie
    124. Crokabek
    125. Dinner Is Served
    126. Disarm
    127. Faerie Festival
    128. Flowper
    129. Fog Mote
    130. Green Turmac
    131. Ixi Plushie
    132. Kidnapped
    133. Kiss the Mortog
    134. Koi Plushie
    135. Kookith
    136. Kreldyfloss
    137. Kreludan Blade
    138. Letters of Devotion
    139. Magic Robes
    140. Onions
    141. Purple Juppie
    142. Rainbow Flare
    143. Red Mazzew
    144. Rock Mote
    145. Snotty Ghost Toast
    146. Spyder Juice Elixir
    147. Tor's Challenge
    148. Turmac Roll
    149. Twist of Fate
    150. Yellow Gallion
    151. Amulet of Thilg [H]
    152. Bewitched Ring [H]
    153. Fyora, Tower Guardian [H]
    154. The Hidden Tower [H]
    155. Wand of Ultranova [H]
    Travels in Neopia:
    ^ indicates duplicate artwork
      1. Bag of Neopoints [H]^
      2. Caylis [H]^
      3. Cloud Shoyru [H]^
      4. Darigan Paint Brush [H]^
      5. Dr. Sloth [H]^
      6. Eithne [H]^
      7. Faerie Poogle [H]^
      8. Faerie Slorg [H]^
      9. Faerieland [H]^
     10. Fyora's Wand [H]^
     11. Hannah the Cursed [H]^
     12. Hubrid Nox [H]^
     13. [Illusen's Staff]^
     14. Island Angelpuss [H]^
     15. Island Paint Brush [H]^
     17. Lost Desert Paint Brush [H]^
     18. [Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie]^
     19. Maraquan Paint Brush [H]^
     20. Maraquan Scorchio [H]^
     21. Meepit [H]^
     22. Nereid the Water Faerie [H]^
     23. Nuria [H]^
     24. Ona [H]^
     25. Princess Amira [H]^
     26. [Rainbow Paint Brush]^
     27. Sakhmet City [H]^
     28. Snow Bruce [H]^
     29. Snow Paint Brush [H]^
     30. Snowickle [H]^
     31. Sophie the Swamp Witch [H]^
     32. [Space Faerie]^
     33. Starry Cybunny [H]^
     34. Starry Paint Brush [H]^
     35. Taelia the Snow Faerie [H]^
     36. Tura-Kepek [H]^
     37. White Hasee [H]^
     38. Ylana Skyfire [H]^
     39. Zafara Princess [H]^
     40. Zed Codestone [H]^
     41. Galactic Green Grundo^
     42. Green Draik^
     43. Green Kacheek^
     44. Red Bori^
     45. Red Krawk^
     46. Red Lupe^
     47. Yellow Kyrii^
     48. Yellow Meerca^
     49. Yellow Ruki^
     50. Acara Treasure Seeker^
     51. Aisha Shopkeeper^
     52. Banishment^
     53. Battle JubJub^
     54. Blue Sticky Hand^
     55. Dark Faerie Sisters^
     56. Eliv Thade^
     57. Faerie Dust^
     58. Ghost Korbat^
     59. Ghost Snowbunny^
     60. Illusen's Ring^
     61. Invisible Doglefox^
     62. Invisible Mynci^
     63. Ixi Courtier^
     64. Jeran Plushie^
     65. Jerdana^
     66. Jerdana's Orb^
     67. Jhudora's Storm^
     68. Kacheek Thief^
     69. Kreludor^
     70. Lucky Coin^
     71. Magic Lottery Ticket^
     72. Masila^
     73. New Maraqua^
     74. Noil^
     75. Sloth's Master Plan^
     76. Soup Faerie^
     77. Space Faerie Circlet^
     78. Tiki Bomb^
     79. Vanishing City^
     80. Xarthab^
     81. Blue Cybunny^
     82. Blue Nimmo^
     83. Blue Skeith^
     84. Blue Tonu^
     85. Brown Eyrie^
     86. Brown Grarrl^
     87. Green Gelert^
     88. Green Poogle^
     89. Green Scorchio^
     90. Orange Mynci^
     91. Purple Shoyru^
     92. Red Kau^
     93. Red Koi^
     94. Red Uni^
     95. Yellow Bruce^
     96. Yellow Lenny^
     97. Yellow Pteri^
     98. Alpine Challenger^
     99. Apprentice Wand^
    100. Avalanche^
    101. Benny the Blade^
    102. Blue Paint Brush^
    103. Blumaroo Squire^
    104. Chomby Plushie^
    105. Darigan Uni^
    106. Earth Faerie Leaves^
    107. Everlasting Apple^
    108. Faerie Pancakes^
    109. Gelert Beast Hunter^
    110. Glowing Babaa^
    111. Green Paint Brush^
    112. Grey Faerie^
    113. Hannah the Usul^
    114. Illusen's Glade^
    115. Island Flotsam^
    116. Kacheek Plushie^
    117. Kougra Scientist^
    118. Lower Ice Caves^
    119. Lupe Defender^
    120. Lutari Builder
    121. Meerca Catapult^
    122. Moehog Chef^
    123. Mootix^
    124. Niptor^
    125. Pawkeet^
    126. Quiggle Scout^
    127. Red Paint Brush^
    128. Scurvy Island^
    129. Shadow Hissi
    130. Shoyru Plushie^
    131. Slorg^
    132. Snowball Cannon^
    133. Snowball Flurry^
    134. Starry Negg^
    135. Trading Post^
    136. Turmac^
    137. Warf Rescue Team^
    138. White Primella^
    139. Wishing Well^
    140. Yellow Paint Brush^
    141. Blue Aisha^
    142. Blue Blumaroo^
    143. Blue Kougra^
    144. Blue Moehog^
    145. Blue Peophin^
    146. Blue Wocky^
    147. Blue Yurble^
    148. Green Kiko
    149. Green Lutari
    150. Green Quiggle^
    151. Green Usul^
    152. Red Elephante^
    153. Red Flotsam^
    154. Red Ixi^
    155. Red Jetsam^
    156. Red Tuskaninny^
    157. Red Zafara^
    158. Yellow Acara^
    159. Yellow Buzz^
    160. Yellow Chomby^
    161. Yellow Hissi
    162. Yellow JubJub^
    163. Yellow Korbat^
    164. Yellow Techo^
    165. Abominable Snowball^
    166. Anubis^
    167. Asparagus^
    168. Babaa^
    169. Baby Blu^
    170. Battle Stations^
    171. Bubble Gun^
    172. Capture the Snowbunnies^
    173. Cheesy Pineapple Sticks^
    174. Coral Bracelet^
    175. Desert Scimitar^
    176. Fyora's Blessing^
    177. Gadgadsbogen^
    178. Geb^
    179. Happy Negg^
    180. Harris^
    181. Illusen's Charm^
    182. Island Lei^
    183. Lab Ray^
    184. Maractite Shield^
    185. Mazzew^
    186. Money Tree Ghosts^
    187. Pant Devil Attacks^
    188. Petpetnip^
    189. Planet Pops^
    190. Polarchuck^
    191. Rocket Boots^
    192. Sceptre of Banishing^
    193. Something Will Happen^
    194. Spike Trap^
    195. Spotted Meowclops^
    196. Starberry^
    197. Strawberry Brucicle^
    198. Tribal Blowgun^
    199. Wand of Ice^
    200. Warf^
    The Haunted Woods: [completed 23 February 2007]
      1. Aisha Morphing Potion [H]
      2. Alien Aisha [H]
      3. Archos [H]
      4. Baby Cybunny [H]
      5. Bruno [H]
      6. The Founder [H]
      7. Fruity Star Juice [H]
      8. Ghost Meepit [H]
      9. Ghost Spyder [H]
     10. Golden Scratching Post [H]
     11. Hallowe'en [H]
     12. Ilere of the Woods [H]
     13. Illusen's Quest [H]
     14. Pocket Lab Ray [H]
     15. Royal Tonu [H]
     16. Sasha the Dancer [H]
     17. Sentient Stones [H]
     18. Sophie [H]
     19. The Taint [H]
     20. The Wand of Wishing [H]
     21. Anubits
     22. Attack Broom
     23. Boo!
     24. Curing the Plague
     25. Dance of the Meepits
     26. Evil Trees
     27. Lenny Curator
     28. Mr. Krawley
     29. Rolling Pin
     30. Rusty Sloth Clone #11
     31. Shadow Korbat
     32. Spotted Tonu
     33. Squeezy Spider
     34. Touch of Von Roo
     35. Transformation
     36. Trick or Treat
     37. Werhond
     38. Xantan
     39. Zombie Aisha
     40. Zomutt
     41. Brown Aisha
     42. Pink Cybunny
     43. A Tale of Woe
     44. Acara Hiker
     45. Acara Nurse
     46. Air Mote
     47. Baby Korbat
     48. Bony Grasp
     49. Coconut Shy
     50. Creeping Shadows
     51. Followers of Meow
     52. Ghost Lenny
     53. Green Warf
     54. Grilled Ummagine
     55. Gypsy Camp
     56. Hall of Heroes
     57. The Haunted Woods
     58. Island Cybunny
     59. Krawk Island
     60. Mashed Eye Potato
     61. Mound of Grulb
     62. Mutant Flowper
     63. Mutant Hasee
     64. Neovia
     65. Nova Fruit
     66. Reginald
     67. Sanity Check
     68. Spooky Doughnut
     69. Spotted Slorg
     70. Ugly Bruno
     71. Blue Korbat
     72. Brown Cybunny
     73. Green Lenny
     74. Orange Acara
     75. Orange Korbat
     76. Red Lenny
     77. Red Tonu
     78. White Acara
     79. White Aisha
     80. Yellow Tonu
     81. Attack of the Slorgs
     82. Blue Babaa
     83. Broken Crackers
     84. Cybunny Plushie
     85. Failed Experiment
     86. Familiar
     87. Green Meowclops
     88. Hide-and-Seek
     89. Hissi Oil
     90. It Came From Kreludor
     91. Light Faerie Doll
     92. Noil Gem
     93. Pant Devil Sandwich
     94. Scary Abandoned Plushie
     95. Slymook
     96. Test Your Strength
     97. Tooth of Goregas
     98. Water Faerie Doll
     99. Witch's Hat
    100. Yellow Snorkle
    Sketch cards:
    Red Draik #0962
    Blue Eyrie #0221
    McDonalds Promo cards:
     MP1. Blue Ixi
     MP2. Green Lupe
     MP3. Red Kougra
     MP4. Yellow Kacheek
     MP5. Yellow Shoyru
     MP6. Bearog
     MP7. Count Von Roo
     MP8. Faerie Uni
     MP9. Mootix Launcher
    MP10. Pink Kadoatie
    MP11. Raindorf
    MP12. Shadow Aisha
    MP13. Snow Faerie Globe
    MP14. Starry Scorchio
    MP15. Tormund
    Pocket Neopet cards:
    Kougra on Mystery Island
    Tonu in Tyrannia
    Sharpeye Skeen the Draik
    Vanara Rova the Ixi
    Grond Hearthon the Lupe
    Moogi the Poogle
    Sir Ballenor the Shoyru
    Shonee the Uni