NaNoWriMo Entries
books written in about a month

The National Novel Writing Month organization is dedicated to prompting would-be novelists to get started on the books that they would write if not for having better things to do. Despite my own better judgement, I joined in November 2005--at the prompting of a friend--and, at long last, put a story to writing that had gone virtually untouched for fifteen years. Since then, I have started a new novel every year, so long as I have had ideas.

Title: The Trope Brigade
Genre: Adventure Satire
Final Nano Length: 53,240 words
Location: "the star" [primarily]
Timeframe: unspecified
Notes: Excerpt posted as finalized on Blogger

Title: Mid-Life Crisis Syndrome
Genre: Thriller
Final Nano Length: 50,380 words
Location: [implied] the D.C. Metro area of the United States
Timeframe: [implied] A.D. 2043
Notes: Excerpt posted as finalized on Blogger

Title: The Oracle at Delmarva
Genre: Youth/Young Adult
Final Nano Length: 51,045 words
Location: the D.C. Metro area of the United States
Timeframe: unspecified
Notes: Excerpt posted as finalized on Blogger

Title: Tales of Hound kol B'Sedek
Genre: Fantasy [or is it?]
Final Nano length: 50,481 words
Location: Thadliste Serif
Timeframe: unspecified
Notes: Excerpt posted as finalized on LiveJournal

Title: Sphere of Influence
Genre: Fiction [normal]
Final Nano length: 50,078 words
Location: inspecific
Timeframe: EY 2006
Notes: Temporarily scrapped, not sure whether the story is salvageable...

Title: Back to Square One
Genre: Science-Fiction / Paranormal / Modern Fantasy
Final Nano length: 51,256 words
Final novel length: 87,370 words/214 pages
Location: Terra Firma
Timeframe: TE 723
Notes: Re-write excerpt posted as finalized on Blogger
The original story was meant to be a kind of "cinemanga" [a comic composed of screen captures as though from a movie], but Nano provided a more efficient means of storytelling: the illustrated novel. This edition is the final major revision, periodically updated with subsequent chapters and more images. Additional installments will be finalized, illustrated, and posted approximately once a monthwhen I stop being lazy/ultra-picky about the final draft and illos.

Title: Machine of Death: LOVE
Genre: Fiction [normal]
Length: 3,765 words
Location: inspecific
Timeframe: EY 2007
Notes: Not a Nano entry, but a rejected short story for a themed anthology.

Title: Machine of Death: ASSASSINATION
Genre: Fiction [normal]
Length: 1,881 words
Location: inspecific
Timeframe: EY 2007
Notes: Not a Nano entry, but a rejected short story for a themed anthology.